Last updated June 2024
How do I add a flight?
There are 3 ways: Manually search, forward your email itinerary, or sync with TripIt. Manual search supports searching by flight number or the route into the search field, selecting the date and tapping the flight you were looking for. Or you can set up email import to easily forward your flights via email or you can set up TripIt Sync to import all your flights from your TripIt account.
How do I delete a flight?
Delete a flight by swiping on the flight from right to left on the my flights list, or by tapping the delete button at the bottom of the flight's detail page.
Where are my past flights?
All your past flights are in your flight log underneath your flight stats. If you add a past flight, it will automatically be added to the past flights list.
What are "friend's flights"?
These are flights you personally are not on. You'll receive the same great notifications, but the flight won't be sync'ed to your calendar or added to your past stats upon completion. They're great for tracking friends & family without screwing up your stats.
Does Flighty work offline - like on a plane?
Yes, Flighty does work when you are offline. In this case, the data you see is based on the latest information Flighty received while you where last online. The offline mode is indicated in the status field of the flight details with the phrase “Offline Mode · Estimating all times”.
Flighty Pro & Subscription
Why should I get Flighty Pro?
To get complete access to all of our advanced and helpful features. Top features include Push Notifications, live data, calendar sync, email import, TripIt sync, delay forecast, 25-hour where's my plane, and more. Flighty can pay for itself by helping you never miss a flight, spend less time at the airport, and knowing when to switch flights.
How do I try it?
Flighty Pro is included on your first flight, totally free without a trial. That's right – no credit card card, activation, or commitment required. When you download the app it will be fully unlocked with no action needed by you.
What happens when the free flight ends?
At any time, join Flighty Pro to keep all the pro features. Otherwise, after one flight you will continue on our free plan.
What is the free plan?
The free plan includes tracking of unlimited flights. We hope you keep all your flights in Flighty and one day decide to get all the features in Pro. While a free user - you don’t receive all the flight details that are available in Flighty Pro and that you don’t have access to features like adding your flights via email forwarding or TripIt and that you won’t receive Push Notifications for the changes that occur to your flight.
Why is the free plan limited?
Real-time flight data is very expensive and especially the highest quality commercial data that we buy. On top of that, for each flight you track, we actually track about 5 flights. So each tracked flight costs us a significant amount of money. Some data requires Pro access because it is even more expensive.
What Pro plans are there?
Flighty Pro is available as a weekly and as a yearly plan. So if you need Flighty for your yearly holidays, you can enjoy the full experience for the week. If you need Flighty regularly, the annual plan is significantly discounted.
Is Family Sharing included?
Family Sharing is available as a higher price tier, with superb savings. For less than the cost of 2 individual memberships, you can share Flighty Pro with up to 6 family members. If you have a current existing subscription, you'll get an automatic refund for any unused time, so that you only pay the difference. Add Family Sharing to your subscription by going to Settings > Flighty Pro, and look for "Add Family Plan".
Requires Apple Family Sharing. Verify you have that setup here ›
Lifetime Family requires even another Apple feature called Purchase Sharing. Verify you have that setup here ›
How can I cancel my Pro subscription?
We've made this as easy as possible. Apple requires and is the only one that can cancel it (their choice, not ours) so we link you directly to their page in Flighty, go to Settings > Manage My Account > Cancel > tap on Flighty > tap Cancel Subscription.
What happens if my Pro subscription ends?
All your flights stay - future and past. All your settings stay. But any Pro features are turned off when your Flighty Pro ends - such as Push Notifications and automatic syncing. Those stop the day your Flighty Pro subscription stops.
What is email import?
The Email import features makes adding flights to Flighty even easier. After registering your email address you can simply forward your flight itineraries to Flighty and they will be in the app immediately.
What is TripIt sync?
Flighty offers you the option to link your TripIt account to Flighty. After a successful login, Flighty will import all your past and future flights from TripIt. Flighty will never delete or add any flights from your TripIt account.
What is calendar sync?
Once you give permission to Flighty to put your flights in your selected calendar, Flighty will import your future flights into your calendar and keep them up to date.
More Questions & Answers
Is there an iPad app? Mac app?
Yes, there is a Flighty app for your iPad and Mac. Your flights will automatically sync between all the devices, for free, without an account.
Is there an Android app?
We understand the desire of having access to a great user experience on your preferred device.
Flighty is currently only available on Apple devices – that includes iPad, Apple Watch, and Mac.
We know many Android users also have one of those devices, so you can download the applicable version of our app here.
While we don’t have plans for an Android version at the moment, we are always reevaluating the opportunity. Building and maintaining the app on another platform is a significant investment and very longterm commitment in order to be successful for the users.
You may join our Android waitlist to express your interest and be notified of any change to our plans.
What happens if I install Flighty on more than one device?
Flighty syncs between your devices, being it iPhones or iPads. No need to log in to an account, simply using the same apple id on all your devices is required to sync the flights between the devices. Note: settings are not synced because you might want to decide on your own which notifications you receive on which device.
What is the dashed line on the map?
This is where you inbound aircraft is coming from. It's the flight your aircraft flies right before yours, so you can see where your plane is coming from.
Why is my flight's data missing or inaccurate?
Although we use the best data in the world and many different sources to cover as many flights as possible, there are still over 100 thousand flights per day and sometimes your flight may not have complete data. Please report these instances so we can continue to improve coverage.
How is my data used?
Basically - to improve Flighty but never to share with anyone else. Flighty does not keep or share any information about you, your device or your flights. We don't have tracking SDK's like Facebook or Google. We don't share or sell any data - we keep as little as possible to serve you well.
Common Terminology
Inbound Plane
When you take a flight, your plane comes from another flight right before yours, that is the inbound plane. Pro flyers watch that plane carefully, since if it's late... you have to wait for it and you will be late. Often times even if the airline has not delayed the flight yet.
Gate Departure
When the plane and the jetway gate disconnect. Usually simultaneous with the airplane door closing. Hopefully the plane pushes back from the gate shortly after, but sometimes Captains will sit at the gate for a moment - this is still considered a gate departure since the jetway left the airplane.
Take Off
When the plane wheels leave the ground. Duh, right? Well it's not that easy, specifically, this is not departure. It is commonly confused, but departure is gate departure. This is why we never say “Departure” alone. We always say “Gate Departure”.
When the plane wheels touch down on the ground. Never “arrival” or anything to do with arriving.
Gate Arrival
Commonly called “arrival” but that's confusing since it could mean arrival at the airport. Arriving always means at the gate, but this is confusing, so we always say “Gate Arrival” just to make sure.
When a plane is redirected from it originally planned destination to a different destination. Commonly due to bad weather at the arrival airport.
The flight after a diverted flight, that gets the passengers from the diverted location to the originally planned airport. Most times the same plane is used for the Recovery flight, but not always, it could be hours later, with a different plane, from a different gate.
Long Haul
This term is used to designate "long distance" flights, but what is “long distance”? Wikipedia states 4,100 km, Europeans commonly use 4,000 km, and American airlines tend to use 4,800 km plus any LAX-NYC flights.
At Flighty we use 3,940 km measured as a great circle, so that all LAX-NYC and similar length coast-to-coast flights are included.

Made with love in Austin,


and Oslo.